Lisa Rittenberry, Office Assistant
Lisa Rittenberry
Administrative Assistant
Office Hours: by appointment
Lisa joined UUSG as church member in 2008 and become a staff member in 2012. Her primary responsibility is the care and maintenance of our facilities -- she schedules repairs, coordinates improvements, and researches projects with the Facilities Team, among other building & grounds-related tasks.
Lisa divides her time between UUSG and caregiving for the elderly. She has two grown sons and a grown husband. She has rescued 4 dogs, one of whom, Lucy Lu (a viciously sweet pitbull), occasionally comes to work with her at UUSG. Her special favors can be bought with Haribo gummy bears.
Her hobbies are reading and laughing. Oh, and riding motorcycles. She is fascinated by the world and was happy to find Unitarian Universalism so she did not have to create her own religion.