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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Week of Service

UUSG’s Annual Week of Service

March 18-26, 2023

Sign up for all activities here!

Northern Illinois Food Bank - Saturday, March 18, 9am - 12pm
For adults & children age 8 or older and with a parent/guardian. Pack food for distribution to area pantries and other programs. Requirements: wear closed-toe shoes.

Trivia Bee for Literacy - Saturday, March 18, 9am - 12pm
Come out and support UUSG’s team at the  Trivia Bee for Literacy. You are guaranteed to have fun while supporting a worthy cause. The theme, “The Bee Goes On”,   is a takeoff on Sonny & Cher’s hit, “The Beat Goes On.” Cheer on the team and check out the silent auction and goodies. Proceeds benefit the Literacy Volunteers Fox Valley.

Fox River Trail Clean Up - Sunday, March 19, 2pm - 4pm
Help clean up a bike trail along with Fox River. Bring yourself and a pair of work gloves. We'll supply safety vests, trash picker uppers, and trash bags. We will be meeting at Violet Patch Park in Oswego.

The Period Collective - Saturday, March 18 through April 23
The Period Collective is an organization in Chicago dedicated to providing feminine hygiene products to homeless and low-income individuals in the Chicago area. Many girls and women have limited access to these products. There are so many challenges these individuals face throughout the course of a day, and this shouldn't have to be one of them. We will be collecting pads, tampons, and other feminine hygiene products (see information below). The Period Collective distributes these items in handmade, drawstring bags. If you are handy with a sewing machine, lend a hand and help sew bags. Bags can be sewn at home and brought to UUSG throughout the month. Sewing instructions for the medium-sized bags are here.

In addition to collecting items and bags for the Period Collective, we will be accepting monetary donations through April 23. Cash, checks, and Tithely donations are all accepted. Please make checks out to "UUSG" and write "Period Collective" in the memo line. Cash should be marked "Period Collective" on the offering envelope, and select "Period Collective" in the Tithely dropdown menu. 

Mutual Ground’s Clothing Closet - Saturday, March 25, 9am - 11am, Mutual Ground in Aurora
Help out at Mutual Ground’s Clothing Closet by switching the closet from winter to spring clothing.

Painting Peace Rocks - Sunday, March 26, 9:30 am - 10:30am at UUSG
Join us to paint Kindness Rocks and then place them in your neighborhood to brighten someone’s day. Kindness Rocks are rocks with positive messages (peace, hope, love) or colorful pictures.

***The Earth Hour Potluck & Earth Hour Observation scheduled for March 25 has been canceled***


Paper Products Collection 
Participate in the Week of Service by donating paper towels and toilet paper for individuals in need. The deadline to drop off items is Sunday, March 26.

School Supply Kits (list of items to include)
Participate in the Week of Service from home by assembling school supply kits for children in need. The deadline to drop off assembled kits is Sunday, March 26.

Birthday in a Bag (list of items to include)
Participate in the Week of Service from home by assembling birthday party supplies for children in need. The deadline to drop off assembled birthday bags is Sunday, March 26.

School Supply Kits, Birthday in a Bag Kits, and paper products can be dropped off at UUSG on Sunday, March 19 or March 26.


Donations of Products and Handmade Drawstring Bags for The Period Collective
Participate in UUSG's efforts to support the dignity and health of individuals in need. We are collecting tampons, menstrual pads and liners, menstrual cups, wipes, and incontinence products. Menstruation is still a taboo topic, which means it is less likely that these items will show up at a donation drive for supplies. The deadline to drop off items and hand sewn bags (see information above) is Sunday, April 23.

Donations for The Period Collective can be dropped off at UUSG from Sunday, March 19 until Sunday, April 23.


If volunteering during the Week of Service doesn't fit into your schedule, check out UUSG's ongoing Social Justice efforts with Lazarus House and Trinity Soup Kitchen.