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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Rolling Out Realm


Rolling Out Realm

UU Society of Geneva

We are excited to invite you to UUSG’s own private social network: Realm.

What is Realm?

Realm is our new church management system. It allows easy communication with others in our church community, access to a church directory with your contact information and other personal details you decide to show, and the ability to easily stay on top of what’s going on at UUSG. Realm allows you to manage your personal information and who is allowed to see it, communicate with Ministry Teams and UUSG Community Groups, and RSVP to UUSG Events and Team Meetings.

Why use Realm?

We know that signing up for yet another online platform can be a hassle—but we have created a tutorial to help you get started. Improved communication within UUSG is one major improvement that Realm will provide. As you may know, the e-forwarders that UUSG utilizes (, etc.) are often unreliable and can be hacked by spammers. The transition to Realm will provide a more secure communication method and allow Team Leaders and members to view a list of who they are emailing. 

What about privacy?

Your privacy is one of our greatest concerns. Realm is only made up of the people in UUSG; it’s not like a social network that’s open to everyone. Realm keeps your data and information safe and gives you control over what information you share and who can see it.

How do I start? 

If you haven’t received an invitation to join Realm yet:

  1. Email Christine Imielski at to request an invitation.
  2. You will receive an invitation e-mail with a subject line saying “Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva: Join our Online Community!” The message will include a link to create your account.
  3. On your computer: follow the link to create your account and enter the information you wish.
  4. On your devices: visit to download the mobile app called Realm Connect.
  5. Review your profile to make sure that UUSG has your correct address and other personal information entered correctly. If anything is incorrect, you can change it there.
  6. If you have any questions, contact Christine Imielski at or Dave Davis, Communications Team Leader, at

UUSG Member Bill Pokorny created this very helpful tutorial on setting up your account.