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UUSG Says 'No' To Fossil Fuels


UUSG Says 'No' To Fossil Fuels

UU Society of Geneva

(Geneva, IL, Aug. 17, 2015) The Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva (UUSG) announced that it will no longer invest in any companies involved in the production or sale of fossil fuels which contribute to global warming. The move is an advancement in the church’s socially responsible investing (SRI) strategy.

 “The sustainable strategy aligns our church’s investment criteria with the green values UUSG embraces,” Robert Swanson, Treasurer of UUSG stated. “We would like our position to motivate others to evaluate their fossil fuel investments, and initiate more widespread change to green energy.”

UUSG has been committed to SRI for about 10 years. The new initiative tightens UUSG’s SRI screening to also exclude companies involved in the fossil fuels industry — gasoline, coal, natural gas, etc.

An SRI approach considers both financial return and social responsibility to bring about positive change. Environmental care, consumer protection, human rights and diversity are encouraged, while alcohol, tobacco, gambling, weapons and other harmful products are avoided.